Over the last few months I have tried several new foods, and I have had so much success! I am loving eating turkey and chicken and soy! It is awesome that I can have a normal meal with my family and not just eat the same foods over and over again. I have been in school for about 6 months and am on my way to being a big Kindergartener! Everyday I get bigger and smarter and more independent. I love to do anything on my own and don't want help with anything.
As far as my EE goes, I have been having a lot of success a new type of medicine. In the last year and a half I have gone from 0 foods to 6 foods. Unfortunately even though I have had a lot of success, my most recent trial with rice did not go well :( After about 5 weeks on rice I started having a lot of stuff come back up, lots of coughing/choking, and other symptoms. The Dr. decided to stop the trial and now we are waiting for my body to heal. I have had several scopes since I was last here, and the Dr. always tells me that I am a big brave boy, but my Mommy is glad that I don't have to do it again for awhile.
Here are a few pictures if what has been going on for us in the last 6 months! Thank you so much for praying for me and for taking an interest in my life. IT means a lot to our family.
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